
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Things to Do When You Share on G+....

Original Post :

01. Have you ever Shared any of Your Circles in Public?
Take time to ;
--> Add the URL(permalink) of the Shared Circle [+CircleCount]
--> Tag Pages such as +Best Shared Circle+Public Circles+Shared Circles on G+, etc.

02. Have you ever Shared posts related to Google+ Tips or Help?
--> Make sure you Share them in Public
--> +Mention a few Google+ Mentors/Engagers, so that you post will be given the due visibility.
--> You are free to submit your post along with your name in my Directory :

03. Try to use the Top Keywords as much as possible.
eg: Google+, Google Plus, Tips, Newbies, Beginners, Tutorial, etc.
So that your posts will appear in Google+ Search results

04. Use the relevant #hashtag for your Post(s).
#googleplustips #googleplustutorials #googleplushelp #gplusbeginner 

05. Share the permalink on other services too......

#ddstips #googleplustips


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