
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sharing to Google+ from outside websites

Using the +1 or the share button:

The difference between the old +1 button and the fairly new Share button

+1 is always public. Share can be to circles or a person only.

It seems not all of the people have known that you can share a webpage or a blog post directly to Google+ from the +1 button.

Wherever you find a +1 button and you click it, then wait for a while: It should open up a tab where you can add some text and share it to your circles or public. By clicking at the image displayed you should also be able to change the pic you want shown on your post.

There are extensions for this as not all the webmasters have added the add-on, this one is for Chrome:
With it you can +1 and share any outside website.  Add-on for Firefox.

If you didn't know it, all your +1:s end up in your Google+ profile, too.
Here are mine as I've made them public (see your settings on that page - EDIT button):
You can now also save Google+ posts on your +1 tab with the same function.

I use this feature as a bookmarking tool. It also tells my Circleverse a lot of things about my interests...

Here's a tip for when you want to share from any of those buttons or the extension:

There's a small inconvenience in the share box. It sometimes does not want to accept the 'copypaste' directly, so just type any letter and a space in the beginning and then 'paste' the text you have previously, before clicking on the +1 or share button copied as if you click on the +1 you then cannot go back and copy any part of the text without the share box disappearing. Then remember to remove the letter and the space from the beginning of the post.

So at first copy a part of the text, click the button, add the text to the share box, add your own insights, use the * and _ at the end and beginning of those words or sentences you'd like to show better to underline your message, then choose the circles or +mention the persons you want to share the story with (or go public). And only then click share.

If you did something wrong, just click at the +1 again and it is removed, then you may try again. Should you wish to move a plusoned post to the top of the +1 tab, just remove and redo the +1 on any article or Google+ post.


There's a very nice Chrome extension by +Tzafrir Rehan called DoShare: You can schedule your Google+ posts to your personal profile stream or your business pages and also share a post featuring that nice comment you've received. Excellent detail! Unfortunately video link or photosharing does not work, yet. The Chrome has to be up and running at the time of the scheduled share.

Sharing here or there?

For scheduled sharing from Google+ and the Web to other SoMe channels I use Bufferapp
Because the posts on the Plus can be longer, more explanatory and better formatted than those in Twitter, I've noticed it is a better practice to originate a share on G+ than sharing from other channels to Google+. Especially as the sometimes gibberish Twitter shorties don't entice so many reads or clicks among the Pluserati.

How do you cross post on Social Media? Please leave a comment.


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