
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Google Plus: Tutorial, Guide, Features, Tips, etc.

Post/Article  by  +Shamil Weerakoon

          Google Plus Extraordinary Features

The following are a set of features that I has engulfed my mind on Google Plus.


■ Google is ALL-IN-ONE : Web Search, Gmail, Maps, Calendar, Documents, Reader etc.
■ Google is integrating Google+ appearance in all their other services.
■ You can edit my post after you post it.
■ You can format my post with BOLD, Italic & Strikethrough.
■ The character support is greater (ex:Twitter has 140 characters per post)
■  You  can use Google+ for Blogging
■ You can MUTE notifications of any activity that you comment, a photo, a status, etc.
■ You can restrict re-sharing and restrict comments too.
■ You can share posts, pics, links with limited friends/people or PUBLIC
■ You can control the volume of posts of each circle that appear in my STREAM.
■ Public posts appear in Google Search
■ Hashtags [#hashtags] help me Search faster with Trending Tags
■ Google+ Profile - Larger space to introduce to the World 'Who You Are'
■ Google+ Profile - Five custom scrapbook photos
■ Google+ Profile - 200 x 200 Profile Picture (Need to Improve)
■ Google+ Profile - You can know what you have +1'd on the internet.
[The Google+ Brand Pages that you +1 also appear in the +1's of your Profile]
■ +1's integrated on Google Image Search
■ You can set my email, profile, page, etc. to be VERIFIED (So, everyone know its really YOU)
■ Separate stream for different circles
■ You can use Google+ Circles to save bookmarks
[To read posts/articles later, you can create an empty circle and share it with that Circle]
[for this, you can create an empty circle and share ti with that circle ONLY.]
■ You can share circles with anyone you want to.
■ Circle Management Coming Soon........ :)
■ Google+ Chat enables to chat with Mutual Friends in Circles, on all Google Services.
■ Google+ Chat: I can customize which people can chat with me.
[Set Privacy Settings of your Chat to set who is able to chat with you]
■ Google+ Photos - Lightbox with black background
■ Google+ Photos - Easy photo tagging
■ Google+ Photos - You can allow to Download my photos
■ Inbuilt photo editing tools using a Creative Kit Built-in with Picasa.
■ Instant Upload Pics from Mobile Phone (Android)
■ Google Hangout - Group Video Calling (max.10 including yourself)
[Public Hangouts also have the limit of 9, but others who join could watch it live, but cannot participate]
■ Google Hangout with Extras: Screen Sharing, Document sharing, Named Hangout, etc.
■ Google Sparks (Interests, Hobbies, etc.)
■ Google Brand Pages (SEO integrated)
■ Google Games (I ❤ Angry Birds) More to Come............
■ Google Ripples - Know how your Public posts are shared on Google+
■ Google+ Direct Connect - Search for Page and automatically add to Circles.
■ 'What's Hot' Section in the stream - Has the hottest/coolest posts all-over Google+
■ Google+ Search is 'Searching Everything' with filters.
■ Google+ Search filters - People, Posts, Pages, Sparks, Posts from Circles, Public Posts, etc.
■ Google+ Search also provides web results.
■ Google+ Search is also integrated with TRENDING TOPICS, and HASHTAGS
■ Google+ Search now features live hangouts.
■ In Google+ noone can restrict anyone from adding them to circles.
■ YouTube Integrated Stream - I can listen to any music on YouTube while on Google+
■ The development team members are available to help at any instance [Community Managers +Natalie Villalobos & +Louis Gray].
■ You get to know NEW UPDATES of Google+ as and when it breaks.... [+Denis Labelle is my favorite Googler]
■ A Clean and Neat G+ Stream
■ No Advertisements (YET.... :P)
■ Keyboard Shortcuts to browse through Google+ easily:
     "/" to Search,
     "J/K" to toggle up/down posts,
     <SPACE> to scroll down,
     Shift+Space to go up the stream,
     <ENTER> to Comment,
     TAB, then ENTER to submit comment after posting.
■ Google owns Google Chrome, the most popular web browser.
■ Google Chrome Extensions : +1 button, Notifications wherever I go with my Browser.
■ Google Music - ♬ My Online Music Library ♫
■ Google Music - ♫ You can share my music on Google+
■ Google is the owner of ANDROID, the world's mostly used Mobile phone OS
■ Google is the social network of the No.1 Search Giant in the world (Google)
■ Google is the owner of the Second largest search engine - YouTube.
■ Google owns about 23% of the web browser market.
■ Getting to know News around the world.
[By following news providers like +CNN]
■ The whole world in one web page.
■ I can Follow & Subscribe to any type of posts/people that I am interested in.
■ Nobody can CONSIDER HE/SHE is alone (Facebook is really boring, and everybody has the same routine on Facebook)
■ NO Fake Profiles (much)
■ Reports, Feedback, Suggestions are GREATLY considered.................



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