
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Your Google+ Circles - TUTORIAL

Google+ Circles - TUTORIAL
Posted by +Shamil Weerakoon.

❐ Circles are what or how you categorize/group your friends into.
❐ Google provides four default circles: Friends, Family, Acquiantances & Following.
❐ Your 'Circles' can be accessed through the Circles button on the Google bar.
❐ Within your Circles page, are three tabs; People in your Circles, People who've added you & Find People.
❐ To view the profile of anyone in Circles, SIMPLY DOUBLE-CLICK on the thumbnail that appears.
People who've added you shows the list of people who have you in their circles. You can use this tab to decide whom to circle back.
Find People: this is a list of people that you might know, suggested by Google. These are usually people in the circles of your circles, and your email contacts.
❐ You can Sort the people in your circles by; Relevance, First Name, Last Name, & Recently updated.
People who've added you has an extra sorting filter : Not yet in your Circles.
❐ The blue circles below the list of people are your circles with the respective titles.
❐ You are free to add any of your friends to any sort of circle that you wish.
P.S. One could be in any number of circles.
❐ They will NEVER know the names of your circles.
❐ To add someone to your circles, simply select the relevant people and just drag them to the blue circle you wish.
❐ When adding Google+ Pages,
❐ If you want to select many people at once, click and cover-up the entire selection. (This is like selecting icons/files on your desktop)
❐ If you think you haven't created a good circle to add any of them, you could drag them to the white circle which says, "Drop here to Create a circle". Once you've dragged them, click create circle, and give it a name.
❐ To remove a user from a particular circle;
     -> You could hover over a circle, and click-n-drag the person/page out. [While dragging it out, you will see a RED-BIN-ICON]
     -> Click on the circle, and select the people/pages to remove. Then click "REMOVE" on the Top-Right.
❐ You could also view each of your circles separately. Simply click on any of the Blue circles at the bottom. You will see the full list of people in that circle.
❐ Once a circle is selected you've got several options with it.
     -> If you think of helping the community by sharing some people in your circles, you could do that. By doing this, you could help the G+ community grow.
     -> The maximum number of people you can share at a time is 500.
     -> When you are sharing a circle with more than 500 users in it, only 500 will be shown/allowed.
        [But, you could include yourself to make it 501]
     -> You can "EDIT" the circle's name & description.
     -> You could also delete the entire circle.
❐ You can Edit, Delete & View the relevant stream by Right-clicking a circle [Blue].
❐ The EDIT CIRCLE option provides enability to Rename the circle & enter a brief description that will be visible when you hover over the circle.
SEARCH : The search box on the Top-Right is an easy way to find anyone in your Circles, or from the people who've added you.
❐ NOTE that the users that appear in your Search results are either in your circles, have added you, from your extended circles, or from ANYWHERE ON GOOGLE+.
❐ This limit is also the total you could have in all your circles.
❐ When sharing with a circle, the maximum number of people you can share at a time is 100.
❐ The HOVER-CARD of each individual in your Circles, shows in what circles, they are.
❐ The HOVER-CARD also shows their current Education or Occupation details.
❐ You can rearrange the circles [BLUE CIRCLES] in a custom order. Just Click & Drag them to rearrange.
P.S. This arrangement affects the order of the circles listed in your Main Stream.

When adding people to your cirles;
➀ You can Type the name directly and add to a circle.
➁ You can add by the email address.
➂ REMEMBER: The ones that you've added, but are not using G+, will show an envelope on their thumbnails.
➃ You can import your Yahoo Mail contacts to G+ and them to your circles. They'll receive a notification with a link to JOIN GOOGLE+.
➄ You could also link your Hotmail account to import your Live contacts, just as Yahoo.
➅ Google also allows you to Upload your Address Book (supports .vcf & .csv) to easily get email addresses and to them to your circles.
➆ If you want to import your Facebook contacts to Google+, you need to first import them to your Yahoo! Mail account, and then connect the Yahoo! account to G+.

Want to Circle interesting People?? Grab your favorite circle out of the list made by +Gabriel Vasile.

My Other Top Posts
Your Google+ Profile :
Your Google+ Stream :
A List of Exclusive Google+ Features :
A List of Tips for Google+

Feel Free to Comment on the Original Post;

Good Luck, peeps!!!!
Have Fun.............

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