
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Your Google+ Stream

Your +Google+ Stream
Posted by +Shamil Weerakoon.

★ It is where you see posts of people & pages in your circles.
★ On your left-hand-side, is a thumbnail of your Profile pic with your First Name.
★ Below your name & thumbnail, there will be a dropdown list of Pages of which you are one of the administrators.
★ Even below is the list of Circles, on which when clicked will be directed to their respective stream.
★ Notifications is a more descriptive, all-time list of your notifications, apart from the RED marker on the top.
★ Your Posts on the Stream
    - your posts has an unlimited character limit.
    - format your posts with Bold, Italic or Strikethrough.
         >> Use *(asterix) to Bold,
         >> Use _(underscore) to Italicize,
         >> Use -(hyphen/dash) to Strikethrough.
     - Post photos
         >> Add/Upload Photo(s)
         >> Create an album
         >> Use photos from Instant Upload
     - Post Videos
         >> Upload a video
         >> Share a YouTube video
         >> Share from Instant Uploads
         >> Record - using webcam
     - Share/Post external links
     - Share with your location
     - Add circles or people to share with - Choose individuals or circles with whom you want to share with.
         >> Public - Anyone on the web, will also be available in Google Search results relevant to the post
         >> Extended Circles - People outside your circle (Circles of Circles) can view your post
         >> Friends, Family, etc. - Only people in the relevant circle can view your post
     - Options for Posts [Click on the dropdown menu on the top-right of your posts]
         >> Edit your posts even after you publish them.
         >> Delete the post
         >> Link to this Post: gives the permalink to the relevant post
         >> Disable comments: readers will be unable to comment
         >> Lock this post : this disables readers from re-sharing the post
     - Click on the timestamp of posts to view the post as a Permalink.
★ Others' Posts on the Stream
     - Options [Click on the dropdown menu on the top-right of your posts]
         >> Link to this post : the post's permalink
         >> Report Abuse: report the post
         >> Mute the Post: to hide the post from your stream
         >> Block this person: to block the individual/page who posted the relevant post
★ On your Right-hand-side is another set of important stuff.
★ In your Circles: has thumbnails of 14 random people in your circles.
★ The suggestions is a list of suggested users that you may know, or want to add.
★ Hangouts : Start a hnagout from your Home Stream.
★ Invite Friends: If you are interested and would like to get your friends, INVITE THEM.
    - If you know their email address, send an invitation.
     - If haven't, use the link to give to people you to invite.
★ Create a Google+ Page: provides access to create your own G+ Page for your Company, Brand, or Band.
★ Want a Break?? Check out the Google+ Games

Original post on Google+:

A full list of Google+ Features:

A list of Google+ Tips & Tricks:

Guide to Your Google+ Profile:

UPCOMING : Google+ Circles, Google+ Hangouts, Google+ Search, Google+ Business, Google+ Photos.


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