
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Google Plus could be the fastest-growing site in history

Google+ now has 25 million users, according to analytics firm comScore. That’s very impressive, especially considering that the site is working off an invitation-only model for expansion.


In a Reuters report, comScore said that number cements the new network as the fastest-growing Web site in history. Google launched its network in late June and is currently growing at a rate of one million users per day, the report said.

So does that mean that Google+ is going to take over the social networking sector? Don’t jump to conclusions so quickly.

For one thing, Google+ has the advantage of being the newest kid on the block at a time when users are increasingly willing to join social networks. Google has a huge userbase to build from and — as my Post colleague Ezra Klein pointed out — gives this plugged-in generation the chance to make a digital fresh start.

The report points out that Facebook hit 25 million users in three years, while Twitter took just 30 months.

Early growth doesn’t necessarily mean lasting success. MySpace only took two years to hit 25 million users. Now the network has been sold by News Corp. for far less than its asking price and is looking to the star power of Justin Timberlake to revive its flagging numbers.

And, really, you need to look no further than Google’s own past to see a social network that fell as fast as it rose — Google’s Buzz was the hot invitation-only ticket until privacy concerns and a lack of interest knocked it flat.



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