
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Retailers Use Google Plus to Make Product Reviews More Social

Brands and retailers use product reviews in a number of ways - as content shoppers will find useful - and that improves their search engines rankings. And these days, they are also trying to make product reviews more social to engage shoppers and encourage them to share their recommendations with friends.

PowerReviews powers the product reviews and ratings for retailers, and the company announced Thursday it has integrated Google's +1 button into its social commerce network. This allows customers on its clients' websites to make one-click recommendations to their friends and contacts without having to leave the product page. PowerReviews said it is one of the first companies to integrate +1 into its software, bringing the power of social recommendations to online retailers.

Retailers and brands such as Jockey - one of the first PowerReviews customers to roll out the +1 button - can now make it easy for their customers to recommend products during the online shopping process, whether it's on the product page or within Google search.


The button is available as a simple, easy-to-employ product enhancement that willappear in the review snippet, allowing customers to recommend products with the click of a button.

PowerReviews CEO Pehr Luedtke said the new feature gives retailers a way to capture the enthusiasm their customers have for their products and broadcast it across the web. "Perhaps most importantly, this isn't social simply for the sake of social, it's a way for retailers to drive real business results by leveraging the power of recommendations made between friends and peers."

Google's +1 button is available to PowerReviews customers as part of its core ratings and review product, with more than 35 million products and services across more than 5,500 websites.



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