
Monday, August 22, 2011

Two Applications Integrate Facebook And Google Plus

Two different apps have come to our attention that can consolidate news feeds from Facebook and Google Plus, among other social media.

For people like me with more social media accounts than they know what to do with, these can be very handy.

Social Plus allows user to access Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus using a single application. It is currently available on the Android market and will be available on the iPhone and iPad within the next two weeks, creator Mithun Baphana told us via email.

According to his press release, the Social Plus app acts like a social networking browser and can be used on 465 different Android devices globally. There are both free — meaning you look at ads — and paid — you have more screen space without the ads — versions. The paid version is only $1.


Gooce allows you to control and use your LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter accounts on Google Plus.

The free extension was developed by an Italian company called CMIP and is compatible with Firefox andChrome.

It allows users to read and post to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn while seeing their feeds inside Google Plus.


Readers, are you curious to try either of these?



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