
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Google Plus to join realtime search on relaunch

Google Realtime search tab coming soon.

A new report claims Google is ready re-unveil “Realtime” search soon.


Mashable is reporting that Mountain View, California-based search engine giant Google is almost ready to accommodate the realtime social networking digestion with the company’s popular product “Realtime Search.”

Apparently, the service was discontinued last month due to failed agreement with Twitter when it comes to “tweet” aggregation – but does Google still wants Twitter? Well, that’s the mystery that will soon get an answer once the search engine giant reactivates the realtime search.

According to the report, Google’s Amit Singhal has confirmed that the team is “actively working” on bringing the much-anticipated Realtime search back — which will include the company’s new and exciting social networking site, Google Plus. The new service is like a Facebook and Twitter mashup where you can post “private” (by circle/s only) or publicly that even non-Google+ users can view. It’s obvious that Google’s Realtime search will index public posts only.

The report also added that aside from Google+, the realtime search feature of Google will also include other “social sources,” but no specific services were mentioned. If Twitter posts will not be included, and Facebook too, what are the other social networking sites out there that could join the streaming fun?

Google Plus currently supports 25 million registered users, so it’s quite obvious that the number of “breaking news” posts will explode too — plus, the coverage will not be in United States only. In fact the new data presented on the internet is claiming that the growth of Google Plus outside the United States is relatively higher. It’s also worth mentioning that Google Plus is the fastest growing social networking site.

Source: Mashable


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