
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Attract more Google Plus friends who add you to their circles with "Add me widget"

Google Plus became a new phenomenon in cyberspace. A new wave of social networking combined with the lifestyle of ease of knowledge. This sort of thing is already on the social networking sites are also phenomenal that is Facebook and Twitter. However, it seems some of the excess (difference) even though Google Plus is still a beta (Google Plus Project) and their registration still invite and not yet Google login to the public. Google Plus not only provides ease of sharing experience and knowledge as it exists on Facebook, and also not only the ease in commenting as it existed on Twitter. But more than that Google Plus makes it easy to share the knowledge that exist in cyberspace just in need and targeted, Google Plus has made this world a global village with its flagship feature, such as, circles, sparks, hangouts and Huddle to mobile.
Like the other social networking sites, Google Plus will has a great influence for its users, either business or networking and relationships if the relationship can be massive between users with one another. Well, to make it easy to other users to add your account in their circles it would require Google Plus widget button. This widget is online tools to facilitate in improving the experience of using Google Plus
How to install the Google Plus 'Add me to your circles' widget
1. Login to your Google Plus account
2. Copy your Google Plus ID (account) number


Google Plus ID (account) number

3. Open widget plus:
4. Select Basic Settings menu then paste your Google Plus ID number into box provided


Basic settings - Google Plus widget

5. Customize your widget. The widget also provides updates feeds like twitter timeline widget
6. Get code, Select All (Ctrl+A) on the script boxWriting Movies for Fun and Profit: How We Made a Billion Dollars at the Box Office and You Can, Too! and Copy (Ctrl+C)


Get code - Google Plus Widget

7. Finish. Paste the code to your template.
This widget is expected to enhance the experience of Google Plus users in building networks and relationships, finding the right friends, get the same business partners and of course also for the SEO purpose for webmasters or web owners. Google Plus other than as a social networking site still has the function of search engines so it has value in SEO Efforts. But, even so it does not mean you are necessarily going to leave Facebook or Twitter as Google Plus has a different function than Facebook and Twitter.



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