
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Transfer Your Orkut Photos To Google Plus

Orkut (aka Chirkut as my bro-in-law used to call it) was once quite a huge social networking site in India. In fact people in India thought that Google is owned by Orkut and not the other way around. Well, Facebook changed the whole landscape of social networking around the world. Orkut is now all forgotten, in fact Google also forgot about Orkut and launched its latest social networking feature called Google Plus.


The only downside of Orkut is that you can't extract your photos/videos/scraps from Orkut that easily. So here is a quick guide to show you how to download your Orkut Photo Albums and import it into Google+

Taking your photos out of Orkut is not an easy task. There is no easier method to transfer your Orkut photos to Google Plus. So we will first look at how to download your Orkut Photo albums and then learn how you can upload your Orkut Photo albums to Google Plus.

1. Firefox & Downthemall:-

You will have to use Firefox browser to achieve this goal. If you have Firefox browser, just visit the extension called "Downthemall". DownThemAll is a download manager that features an advanced accelerator that increases speed up to 4x and it allows you to pause and resume downloads at any time. But the best thing about this extension is that it allows you to download all the images from the page at once. You can install the Downthemall from here

  1. Now that you have installed the extension, visit your Orkut Home Page --> Photos section.  You will see different albums listed (if you have any albums uploaded to Orkut).
  2. Click on a particular Orkut Photo Album that you want to download
  3. You will see a link at the top (next to your Okrut Photo Album) that says "view in full screen". Click on that. You will now be shown a full image view with navigation bar that allows you to browse through you pictures.
  4. Just click through all the photos in that album (come on.. that will refresh your memories too.. so enjoy)
  5. Once you have gone through all the pictures in the photo album, right click on the page and select "DownThemAll.." menu item. It will ask you to select the things you want to download to your computer. Click on "Pictures & Media" tab.
  6. Right click --> Select All-->right click--> Uncheck selection.
  7. Now look for the long links like this this
  8. Select all the links that looked like above (it would be the longest links if you expand your description tab..) and would start with ""
  9. Select the folder you want to download it to and then start the download. All your photos will be downloaded to your computer.
  10. Now uploading them back to Google Plus is easy. Just drag and drop to your Google Plus page and you should be all set.

Check out the video below that shows how to transfer your Orkut Photos to Google Plus.



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