
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Google+ tips on How To Use the Invite in Hangouts.

Getting to know the Hangouts Invite Button. 

 first, if you want to have more and more interesting Hangouts, get familiar with the Invite button on the bottom left of Hangouts. when you found a cool hangout to join, you likely got invited in because the person who created it announced it to one of their circles (twitter and outside g+ methods aside). so it showed up in your stream and you joined it. cool. remember, that post that you hit to joined went to THEIR circle. 

that invite did NOT go to all your friends in your circles. if you've got a friend(s) who you think "wow, s/he'd love to be in this hangout", if they weren't on the initial person's circle, the only way they'll know about this Hangout is if you extend them an invite. 

as a receiver of invites, if you happen to see 2 or more posts about the same hangout, it's because you got invited by multiple people in there.. which means you HAVE to join :)
what i currently observe is that not a lot of people are re-extending invites. but those who do bring new energy into the hangout, and also help connect friends with other friends. which means we need to do a better job of elevating this functionality.

we, on the hangouts team, will do what we can to make this re-inviting better & more obvious. in the meantime, bear with us... and help the hangouts you join by extending the invites to your friends... and their friends... and their friends... and their friends.

By Chee Chew. Google+ Project Team Hangouts Engineering Director.



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