
Friday, July 29, 2011

Build your Business with Google Plus

Well, it looks like Google pulled another rabbit out of its hat with the launch of Google Plus, which has overshadowed Facebook in the first few weeks since its introduction. Google Plus saw tremendous pre-launch interest from all sectors of the economy, so its no surprise that when it finally launched, Google Plus created quite a buzz with social media users and business owners.

What is Google Plus?

Simple – Google Plus is a new social media site that is directly tied into the most widely-used search engine on the planet, with looming search engine optimization (SEO) implications. If you care about your company’s online reputation – what consumers are saying and where they are saying it – you need to learn how to utilize Google Plus for your business.

How is Goolge Plus different?

Sometimes it is not relevant to talk about certain things with certain people. For example, you would not want your Saturday night plans shared with your business acquaintances. With Google Plus, you can assign people "roles" and categorize them so that you are sharing the most appropriate and relevant information. With Google Plus, you can be a part of a community and rely on personal connections and the people that are close to you.


Google Plus overshadows Facebook.

Build your business connections with Google Plus

"Find and Invite" on Google Plus is a great option if you’re having trouble thinking of who to invite. Check out the Find and Invite tab when you’re editing your circles for some suggestions and the ability to add people directly.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Sometimes the people Google+ suggests you add to your circles aren't on Google+ yet. If that's the case, you'll be able to invite them via the green button that appears at the bottom of the page.
  • If you add someone to your circles via the Add a new person button and that person doesn't use Google+ yet, you'll be able to invite them via the same green button.
  • Connect accounts to Google+ to find people to invite that you're already connected to on other web sites.

The idea behind Google Plus is simple.

The idea behind +1 is a simple one. In search results, and later directly on web sites, searchers will be able to up-vote search results they like. These sites will be book marked on your profile page. When the same site appears in the search results of a friend, a tag will appear underneath the snippet indicating that you liked it. Google will show you +1's from your contacts in Gmail, Buzz, and Google Reader.

Does that sound familiar? Digg, Reddit, Facebook, and dozens of Delicious clones have been doing this for years. Google believes that putting the ability to up-vote content directly in search results and AdWord Ads will make searching more social. In an interview with Mashable, Google spokesman Jim Prosser said, "People consult their friends and other contacts on decisions. It's a very easy and lightweight way to make search results more relevant. +1 lets Google cut out Facebook's well established social recommendation effect by putting the "likes" directly into the search stream."

Will Google Plus dethrone Facebook like Facebook dethroned MySpace?

Many are predicting that it could dethrone Facebook the same way that Facebook dethroned MySpace. It may be too early for such lofty predictions, but it is clear that Google+ is already starting to gain notice, and it has the potential to be a powerful player in social media.


Use Google Plus to promote your business.

Here are some ways that you can take advantage of its new features to promote your business (assuming you can get an invite):


Google+ allows you to organize friends into circles — such as acquaintances, co-workers, and so on. Users can then choose which groups to share information with, allowing for greater privacy and control over the flow of information. Businesses can easily use circles to identify demographics and to target information and marketing. Promotions can be advertised to only those users who would find them most relevant, making marketing strategies more efficient.


Hangouts are video chat groups that allow you to talk to up to 10 friends at once. Video chat options provide a great opportunity for businesses to connect directly with customers. One-on-one video chats would be ideal for resolving customer conflicts, allowing businesses to offer a more personalized approach. Group video chats offer great opportunities to conduct exclusive workshops or to roll out exclusive promotions to VIP customers.


Perhaps the most useful of all Google Plus’ features is +Sparks, which allows users to suggest news stories, videos, photos, and more to specific users or groups rather than automatically posting it to everyone. This allows for targeted marketing opportunities by focusing on those users who would find your content most useful.

Other Features

Google+ is already winning praise for its increased security and privacy controls. For example, you are automatically signed in to an https server, ensuring a more secure connection. This is extra assurance for those businesses that handle sensitive information or that handle credit card payments or donations.

Privacy is also more assured as you have more control over who sees what information. Photos and videos are automatically marked private until you select who can see them. This is especially useful for businesses by giving them greater control over their brand and their messaging. Overall, Google+ appears to be making social networking a more streamlined process that could have a great impact with its simplicity.

Google Plus and the Success of your Online Business

A critical key to web site success is a constant flow of visitors and fresh, juicy content – less than a month old. That’s about how long you derive SEO value from site text. However, you derive conversion value if you keep them coming back with lots of new, helpful content, light on the sales hype. So keep your site current. Change content at least twice a week. The more the better. In no time, search engine bots will recognize your new content in under an hour and you will build more SERPs links with every post you make.

Yep, the W3 is a giant maw that consumes content by the kilo daily. Keeping your site fresh, your visitors flowing and your online business green are important factors for today's success on the Internet. And may the Google gods smile upon your high-traffic, freshly updated web site.



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