
Monday, July 25, 2011

Google+ vs. Facebook

We all have been talking a lot about Google’s new social networking site Google+ from last few days. During last few days of my use, I realized that some of its features are totally new and unique like Circles whereas other features are inspired from Facebook.

When I accessed my Google+ account for the first time, its stream gave me a feeling of Facebook wall but as I explored it more and more I found few other features which are either same as Facebook or are advanced versions of Facebook.

If you are a regular user of Facebook, you will also feel like home at Google+ but when you go to photos section or Circles you will realize that your home is more advanced now. Here I have collected some points about Google+ vs. Facebook.


Google+ vs. Facebook
1. Google+ stream vs. Facebook wall

Facebook was the first social networking site to introduce the concept of wall. I think Google has integrated Facebook wall concept into its own social networking site Google+ with the name of Stream. For me it is the same Facebook wall but with other name Stream. I couldn’t find much difference between Facebook wall and Google+ stream.

2. Google+ +1 vs. Facebook Like

+1 is another feature which you will notice when you sign in to your account. A long time back Facebook introduced the feature to like other users’ status updates, comments, photos and videos on your wall. For me +1 is same as like. While using Facebook you can click on Like button whenever you like your friend’s status update. In the same way when you use Google+, you can click on +1 button when you like the status updates of your friends.

3. Google+ Circles vs. Facebook Lists

Google+ introduced a totally new concept of Circles. Circles allows the users to manage their friends easily. Users can group their friends in different circles of family, friends, acquaintances or anything that they like. Other users will get notified when you add them to your circles. I really like the drag and drop feature of Circles using which users can add their friends to circles. Facebook doesn’t have any such feature like Circles but you can categorize your fiends on Facebook using lists feature. You can create Facebook lists to group your friends like Google+ Circles. You can alsodelete friend lists on Facebook at any time.

4.Google+ Hangout vs. Facebook Video Chat

Hangout is the video chat feature added to Google+ and it allows you to group chat with other users. Atmost 10 participants are allowed to group chat at the same time. Hangout doesn’t work on mobile devices yet. Facebook also added the ability to video chat among other users recently. But video chat on Facebook doesn’t support group video chatting. You can just do group text chatting on Facebook but not group video chatting.

Exactly same features in Google+ and Facebook

1. You can mention someone’s name in your status update by using “@” symbol on both these sites.
2. You can share your status update among specific users on Google+ using circles and on Facebook using lists.
3. You can click on Timestamp of a status update to get permalink of it.



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