
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Google+ tips. How To Use Stream, Circles.

here are some tips on how to use the Stream, Circles and Post share in Google+  shared by  Matt Cutts and the community in the Google+ Network. 

A few Google+ tips:
- You can click on profile pictures to rotate through them. Nice find by +MG Siegler on that one.

- In the stream, you can click 'j' to navigate down to the next item or 'k' to navigate up. I think it's the same keys that Gmail uses, which is probably in turn because +Paul Buchheit uses vi and created Gmail. :)

- If you're sharing a post with a small circle of people, you can prevent resharing. Click the arrow at the top-right of the post and choose "Disable reshare."

- If you're looking for more fun things in your stream, the "Incoming" stream is stuff from people who are sharing with you, but who you haven't added to a circle.

- One great one from +Frederic Lardinois is that "there is some basic text formatting, too: (*)bold(*), (_)italics(_) and (-)strike-through(-) are the ones I've noticed so far."



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