
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Block All User Comments On Google Plus

When you are spending time on Google Plus you will eventually come upon comments made by users which you would prefer not to see or read on the site. While it is easy to remove those users from your own stream, for instance by removing them from your circles, it is not possible to remove their comments from other user posts that are part of your circle.

Google  Troll Remover

But what if you want to make sure that you do not see a single comment or post from a specific user on Google Plus? The answer is the Buzz & Google+ Troll Remover extension for the Chrome browser.

Before we go into details, we should take a look at some of the reasons why you may want to block a user from posting or commenting on your stream. Probably the most common issue are users who post rude, inappropriate or spam comments or posts on Google Plus.

When you are sure that you do not want to see a single comment of a specific user on Google+, you can install and use the Chrome extension, provided of course that Chrome is your browser of choice.

The extension adds an [x] link next to each username on the Google Plus website. When you click on the X you add that user to the blocked list. The extension basically removes all posts and comments from that user from Google+ automatically, so that you won’t see those posts anymore on the social networking site.

A prompt is displayed when you click on the X next to a name.

block google plus posts

All posts by that user are then automatically blocked by the extension. You still see a message that a post was “deleted” though. You can change that behavior in the options to completely remove the posts from the Google+ stream.

Please note that this only works for comments, and not that well for posts of a user. But it does not really make sense anyway to keep a user in your circles if you do not want to read their posts. You could alternatively move that user to a different circle.

The extension’s icon in the upper right corner of the screen displays the number of users that have been blocked on Google Plus. A click on the icon lists all their names and options to unblock them from your stream.


You also have the option at the bottom of the screen to disable the highlighting of blocked comments in the stream.

Buzz & Google+ Troll Remover is a handy extension for Google Plus users who access the site in the Chrome browser. Chrome users can download and install the extension directly from the Chrome Web Store.



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