
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Google Plus (Google+) team launches “what’s new” page

Google launches “what’s new” page for the Google+ social networking site.

Apparently, new Google “Plus” features are being implemented before the site’s official public release, and Google wants to record every moment of it.

Google is now indexing all the works of its social networking team by adding the “What’s new” category in the social networking site’s help page. Indexed by date, the new Google+ what’s new tackles new features that are being added to the search engine giant’s new project like the no-gender requirement of Google Plus which was implemented two weeks ago, and the Google Plus for Business that was noted last week.

The goal of the new page is obviously to keep track of the developments made by the team while 10 million plus Google Plus testers are currently enjoying and sending feedbacks to Google. Social networking is obviously the search engine giant’s biggest project to date, and it looks like the team behind the Google Plus want to an almost-perfect site before launching it to the public.


Google Plus was launched last month, with obviously less than a million beta testers. The first members of Google Plus are Google employees, journalists and other internet-centric personalities including Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. Google started accepting more members in July with the launch of Google Plus invite link that was embedded inside the social networking site — where current members can submit e-mail addresses of friends and family to get an invitation.

According to the latest data posted by Alexa, Google Plus is the second most popular subdomain of Google, while the older Gmail is the top subdomain. The latest data is also claiming that 2.80% of Google’s total website traffic are from Google Plus. Now, calculate that amount if Google’s daily traffic is more than 100 million.

Google Plus is also the main reason why Google redesigned its homepage and other core services like Gmail and Google News and the navigation bar, from off-white to black. Google’s redesign involved adding more red and less blue colors that mixed well with the company’s new social networking project.

Link: Google Plus What’s New



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