
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Google Plus iPhone App: Is Google+ slowing down

Google Plus iPhone App has been approved and it is up and running. But people wonder if Google+ is slowing down. May be it is, but that is more due to the reason of invite than anything else. Once this invite annoyance is removed, it will get new users in their millions daily

Google Plus reportedly receives 18 million users within three weeks after its launch on July 6. The social network site from Google has been attracting rave reviews with tech blogs and analysts are still talking about it. Can Google Plus dethrone Facebook?
It is indeed a tricky question. According to a survey conducted by The Christian Post, 40 percent of its 10,000 respondents said that Google+ could simply surpass Facebook. But another 40 percent of respondents said that Google+ and Facebook would co-exist. 
Anyway, Google Plus has received almost 18 million users though the platform is in invite-only mode. Still only people who get invitations from their already-joined Google Plus friends can sign up the site.
That means the frenzy over the product will stay alive among online communities. This is what Google actually wants keeping the site in beta version. Of course, Google may be able to take advantage form this frenzy.
Google Plus offers several amazing features, which Facebook does not have. For example, Google Plus’ Circles, an option to list down connections, is fantastic. On Google Plus, thanks to Circles, users can categorize their connections under various circles, which Facebook famously lacks.
Similarly, Google has added multiple video chatting Hangouts with its social networking site. Facebook, of course, has video chatting, but it is not multiple. At a whole, Google has prepared its social network site capable to beat Facebook. Let us wait and see what is going to happen. 



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